Prof.Zi-Li Yang(State University of New York,USA)

Author:ceep Source:ceep Date:2015-04-02 Views:

【Speaker】:  Prof.Zi-Li Yang(State University of New York,USA)

【Title】:Someone's Poison, Others' Manna: Studies of Mixed Externality Phenomena

【Time】:9:30am, Apr. 2th, 2015.

【Location】:CEEP-BIT, 6th Floor

【About Report】:
Studying climate change reveals “mixed externality” phenomena. Mixed externality phenomena have not been studied in the literature. In this paper, the properties of mixed externality are examined and analyzed. These properties revise some well-known conclusions regarding public good and externality in the literature; they also offer more realistic and cogent explanations on the issues related to climate negotiations and conflicts in climate change policies. A simple model of mixed externality is solved numerically. The results from numerical simulations confirm the properties derived analytically in the paper. Finally, policy implications of mixed externality are elaborated in connection with climate change.