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作者:ceep 来源:ceep 日期:2022-10-09 访问量:


人:秦萍 教授(中国人民大学)





秦萍,现为中国人民大学应用经济学院教授,博士生导师,杰出学者。主要研究方向为中国能源系统绿色转型、空气污染治理、城市低碳交通政策评估等方面。秦萍教授近年来有四十多篇优秀研究成果在国内外经济学期刊上发表,包括国际一流环境与资源经济学期刊Land Economics、Resource and Energy Economics、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,以及国际一流能源经济学期刊Energy Economics、Energy Policy等。秦萍教授先后主持2项国家自然科学基金、5项国际合作项目以及1项省部级重点项目,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、社科重大项目以及多项国际合作项目。


While it has been concluded that climate change poses a significant threat to worldwide supply of freshwater resources, it is unclear if and how demand for water would also be affected. To fill this knowledge gap, we leverage on ‘big data’ collected using smart water meters from over 40,000 Chinese urban households, spanning nine years and ten provinces to examine the relationship between daily household water usage and climate variability. At the baseline, we find that municipal water is not only a coping mechanism for heat, but usage is accelerated during heatwave events. Heterogeneity analyses reveal that households from lower-valued properties are more likely to substitute water for electricity to counter heat. Importantly, we find evidence of adaptation behaviors where over time, households are using increasingly more water to cope with high-temperature days. In all, after feeding our results into climate projection models, it is estimated that household water usage will increase by around 4%-29% under RCP8.5. Our findings are especially relevant for water-scarce countries such as China as well as developing countries where water is a cheaper and more accessible resource to cope with heat.
