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美国康奈尔大学Chuan Liao博士学术报告

作者:ceep 来源:ceep 日期:2022-10-14 访问量:

报告题目:Data Science of Human-Environment Systems for Sustainable Development

报 告 人:Chuan Liao 博士(美国康奈尔大学)


ZOOM会议号:878 6546 9908

报告摘要:Equity and inclusion are at the core of evaluating ongoing efforts to pursue sustainable development goals. It is therefore crucial to examine the nature, process, and outcomes of ongoing socioeconomic and environmental transformations and their implications on equity, inclusion, and justice. Using examples on energy transition, pastoral systems, and global land rush, this presentation discusses how to apply an integrated data science-driven approach to examine human-environment interactions and analyze their sustainability and justice outcomes from local to global levels. The findings advance the field of development studies by understanding joint assessment of socio-ecological system outcomes, and provide science-based solutions for addressing ongoing systemic challenges faced by historically marginalized and disadvantaged communities globally.

报告人简介:Chuan Liao is Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Development at Cornell University. He is an interdisciplinary sustainability and environmental scientist. His research interest lies at the intersection of environment and development. He has worked on topics that include land tenure and land use change, community-based natural resources management, dryland sustainability, and sustainable energy transition. His research includes both theoretical and empirical work, and he has carried out research in East Africa and Central Asia. His recent work has appeared inScience,Nature Food,Landscape Ecology,Development and Change, among other journals.
