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余碧莹 教授

作者:ceep 来源:ceep 日期:2015-12-14 访问量:

余碧莹,bob手机在线登陆教授,博士生导师。国家杰出青年基金获得者、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者、北京市自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者。现任bob手机在线登陆能源与环境政策研究中心副主任,兼任中国“双法”研究会能源经济与管理分会副秘书长、常务理事等。受邀担任Applied Energy等多份期刊的领域编辑或副主编。2012年获日本广岛大学工学博士学位,曾任日本京都大学JSPS特别研究员、英国伦敦大学(UCL)访问研究员、日本广岛大学助理教授。

长期从事能源与环境管理的研究和教学工作,在能源系统建模、碳减排技术经济管理、全球气候政策设计等领域开展了系列研究工作。主持了包括国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发“科技冬奥”专项课题、国家统计局重大统计专项等重要科研任务10余项。在《自然》子刊Nature Energy, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications等国内外知名期刊上发表学术论文60余篇。多项成果被遴选为《自然》期刊重点关注(全球不超过1%入选)和亮点研究,得到联合国IPCC报告正面引用以及泰晤士报、卫报、人民网等50多个国家主流媒体的广泛关注和报道。完成20余份政策咨询报告,部分得到中央领导肯定性批示和重视,支撑国家碳中和决策和能源发展规划。


2009.10 ~ 2012.9 日本广岛大学 工学博士学位

2007.9 ~ 2009.7 北京交通大学 交通运输规划与管理硕士学位

2003.9 ~ 2007.7 北京交通大学 交通运输类学士学位


2019.08至今 bob手机在线登陆管理与经济学院 教授,博士生导师

2015.11~2019.07 bob手机在线登陆管理与经济学院 副教授,博士生导师

2013.11~2015.11 日本京都大学工学部环境工学研究科 JSPS外国人特别研究员

2012.11~2013.2 英国伦敦大学能源研究所 (UCL Energy Institute) 访问学者

2012.10 ~ 2013.10 日本广岛大学国际协力研究科 助理教授



[1] 余碧莹,张俊杰等著. 时间利用行为与低碳管理. 北京:科学出版社, 2022年.

[2] 魏一鸣,廖华,余碧莹,唐葆君等著. 中国能源报告(2018):能源密集型部门绿色转型研究. 北京:科学出版社, 2018年.

[3] Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG and Akimasa FUJIWARA, Integrated analysis of household energy consumption behavior across the residential and transport sectors, in: Fujiwara, A., Zhang, J. (Eds.), Sustainable Transport Studies in Asia, Springer, Japan, pp. 197-216, Chapter 9, May, 2013 (in English).

[4] Biying YU, Low-carbon development in the transportation sector, in: Y.M. Wei, L.C. Liu, H. Liao, CO2 Emissions and Low Carbon Development in China, Science Press, Beijing, Chapter 7 (2017) [ISBN 978-7-03-051428-8] (in Chinese).

[5] Biying YU and Junyi ZHANG, Household energy consumption behavior, in: Zhang, J. (Eds.), Life-Oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy, Springer Japan, pp. 123-148 & 403-421, 2017 (in Japanese).

2)部分 SCI/SSCI期刊论文(*为通讯作者)

[1]Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei*, Gomi Kei, Yuzuru Matsuoka (2018). Future scenarios for energy consumption and carbon emissions due to demographic transitions in Chinese households.Nature Energy3, 109-118. (SCI)

[2] Yi-Ming Wei*, Ron Han, Ce Wang,Biying Yu*, Qiao-Mei Liang*, Xiao-Chen Yuan,*, Junjie Chang, Qingyu Zhao, Hua Liao, Baojun Tang, Jinyue Yan, Lijing Cheng, Zili Yang (2020). Self-preservation strategy for approaching global warming targets in the post-Paris Agreement era.Nature Communications11, 1624. (SCI)

[3] Yi-Ming Wei*, Jia-Ning Kang, Lan-Cui Liu*, Qi Li, Peng-Tao Wang, Juan-Juan Hou, Qiao-Mei Liang, Hua Liao, Shi-Feng Huang,Biying Yu*(2021). A proposed global layout of carbon capture and storage in line with a 2 °C climate target.Nature Climate Change11, 112–118.

[4]Biying Yu*, Feihu Sun, Chen Chen, Guanpeng Fu, Lin Hu (2022). Power demand response in the context of smart home application.Energy240, 122774. (SCI)

[5]Biying Yu*, Zihao Zhao, Guangpu Zhao, Runying An, Feihu Sun, Ru Li, Xiaohan Peng (2021). Provincial renewable energy dispatch optimization in line with Renewable Portfolio Standard policy in China.Renewable Energy174, 236-252. (SCI)

[6]Biying Yu*, Qingyu Zhao, Yi-Ming Wei (2021). Review of carbon leakage under regionally differentiated climate policies.Science of the Total Environment782, 146765. (SCI)

[7]Biying Yu*, Zihao Zhao, Shuai Zhang*, Runying An, Jingming Chen, Ru Li, Guangpu Zhao (2021). Technological development pathway for a low-carbon primary aluminum industry in China. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173, 121052. (SCI)

[8] Guangpu Zhao,Biying Yu*, Runying An, Yun Wu, Zihao Zhao (2021). Energy system transformations and carbon emission mitigation for China to achieve global 2°C climate target.Journal of Environmental Management292, 112721. (SCI)

[9]Biying Yu*, Xiaojuan Yang, Qingyu Zhao, Jinxiao Tan (2020). Causal Effect of Time-Use Behavior on Residential Energy Consumption in China.Ecological Economics175, 106706. (SCI)

[10] Cheng-Yao Zhang,Biying Yu*, Jing-Ming Chen, Yi-Ming Wei (2021). Green transition pathways for cement industry in China.Resources, Conservation & Recycling166, 105355.

[11] Rujie Yu, Huanhuan Ren, Yong Liu,Biying Yu*(2021). Gap between on-road and official fuel efficiency of passenger vehicles in China.Energy Policy152, 112236. (SCI)

[12]Biying Yu, Runying An, Guangpu Zhao (2020). Spatial and temporal disparity of the in-use steel stock for China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 155, 104667. (SCI)

[13] Yi-Ming Wei*,Biying Yu, Hui Li, Jia-Ning Kang, Jin-Wei Wang, Wei-Ming Chen (2019). Climate engineering management: an emerging interdisciplinary subject.Journal of Modelling in Management15(2), 685-702, https://doi.org/10.1108/JM2-09-2019-0219.

[14]Biying Yu, Junjie Zhang, Yi-Ming Wei* (2019). Time use and carbon dioxide emissions accounting: An empirical analysis from China.Journal of Cleaner Production215, 582-599. (SCI)

[15]Biying Yu, Guangpu Zhao, Runying An (2019). Framing the picture of energy consumption in China.Nature Hazards, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-019-03576-6. (SCI)

[16] Bao-Jun Tang, Xiao-Yi Li,Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2019). How app-based ride-hailing services influence travel behavior: An empirical study from China.International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2019.1584932. (SSCI)

[17] Jingming Chen,Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2019). CO2 emissions accounting for the chemical industry: An empirical analysis for China.Nature Hazards, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-019-03589-1. (SCI)

[18] Xi Li,Biying Yu* (2019). Peaking CO2 emissions for China’s urban passenger transport sector.Energy Policy133, 110913. (SCI)

[19] Bao-Jun Tang, Xiao-Yi Li,Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2019). Sustainable Development Pathway for Intercity Passenger Transport:A case study of China.Applied Energy226, 862-88. (SCI)

[20] Runying An,Biying Yu*, Ru Li, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Potential of energy savings and CO2 emissions reduction in China’s iron and steel industry.Applied Energy226, 862-88. (SCI)

[21] Cheng-Yao Zhang, Rong Han,Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Accounting process-related CO2 emissions from global cement production under shared socioeconomic pathways.Journal of Cleaner Production184 (284), 451-465. (SCI)

[22] Yuanyuan Liang,Biying Yu*, Lu Wang (2018). Costs and benefits of renewable energy development in China’s power industry.Renewable Energy131, 700-712. (SCI)

[23] Yi-Ming Wei*, Rong Han, Qiao-Mei Liang*,Bi-Ying Yu* etc. (2018). An integrated assessment of INDCs under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: an implementation of C3IAM.Natural Hazards92 (2), 585-618. (SSCI)

[24] Baojun Tang, Ru Li,Biying Yu*, Runying An, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). How to peak carbon emissions in China’s power sector: A Regional Perspective.Energy Policy120, 365-381. (SCI)

[25] Junjie Zhang,Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Heterogeneous impacts of households on carbon dioxide emissions in Chinese provinces.Applied Energy229, 236-252. (SCI)

[26] Meimei Xue,Biying Yu*, Yunfei Du, Bin Wang, Baojun Tang, Yi-Ming Wei* (2018). Possible emissions reduction from ride-sourcing travel in a global megacity: The case of Beijing.Journal of Environment and Development27(2), 156-185.(SCI)

[27] Jing-Ming Chen,Biying Yu*, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Energy technology roadmap for ethylene industry in China.Applied Energy224, 160-174. (SCI)

[28] Pu Yang, Yun-Fei Yao, Zhi-Fu Mi, Yun-Fei Cao, Hua-Liao,Biying Yu, Qiao-Mei Liang, D'Maris Coffman, Yi-Ming Wei (2018). Social cost of carbon under shared socioeconomic pathways.Global Environmental Change53, 225-232. (SCI)

[29] Junjie Zhang,Biying Yu*, Jiawei Cai, Yi-Ming Wei (2017). Impacts of household income change on CO2 emissions: An empirical analysis of China.Journal of Cleaner Production157, 190-200. (SCI)

[30]Biying Yu, Ye Ma, Meimei Xue, Baojun Tang, Bin Wang, Jinyue Yan, Yi-Ming Wei* (2017). Environmental benefits from ridesharing: A case of Beijing.Applied Energy191, 141-152. (SCI)

[31]Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang, Xia Li (2017). Dynamic life course analysis on residential location choice.Transportation Research Part APolicy and Practice104, 281-292. (SSCI)

[32]Biying Yu*, Yaming Tian and Junyi Zhang (2015). A dynamic active energy demand management system for evaluating the effect of policy scheme on household energy consumption behavior.Energy91, 491-506. (SCI)

[33]Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang (2015). Modeling household energy consumption behavior: A comparative analysis.Transportation Research Part D39, 126-140. (SCI)

[34]Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2015). Who rebounds in the private transport sector? A comparative analysis between Beijing and Tokyo.Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design43 (3), 561-579. (SSCI)

[35] Junyi Zhang#,Biying Yu, Makoto Chikaraishi (2014). Interdependences between household residential and car ownership behavior: a life history analysis.Journal of Transport Geography34, 165-174. (SCI) (导师一作)

[36]Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2013). Rebound effects caused by the improvement of vehicle energy efficiency: An analysis based on a SP-off-RP Survey.Transportation Research Part D24, 62-68. (SCI)

[37]Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2013). Evaluating the direct and indirect rebound effects in household energy consumption behavior: A case study of Beijing.Energy Policy57, 441-453. (SCI)

[38]Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2013). A household time use and energy consumption model with multiple behavioral interactions.Environment and Planning B 40(2), 330-349. (SSCI)

[39]Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2012). Analysis of the residential location choice and household energy consumption behavior by incorporating multiple self-selection effects.Energy Policy46, 319-334. (SCI)

[40]Biying Yu*, Junyi Zhang and Akimasa Fujiwara (2011). Representing in-home and out-of-home energy consumption behavior in Beijing.Energy Policy39, 4168-4177. (SCI)

[41] 魏一鸣,余碧莹,唐葆君,刘兰翠等(2022). 中国碳达峰碳中和路径优化方法. bob手机在线登陆学报 (社会科学版), 24(4): 3-12.

[42] 魏一鸣,余碧莹,唐葆君,刘兰翠等(2022).中国碳达峰碳中和时间表与路线图研究. bob手机在线登陆学报 (社会科学版), 24(4): 13-26.

[43] 余碧莹,赵光普,安润颖,陈景明,谭锦潇,李晓易(2021). 碳中和目标下中国碳排放路径研究. bob手机在线登陆学报 (社会科学版), 23(2): 17-24.


[1] 国家杰出青年科学基金项目,72225010,碳减排政策建模及应用研究, 2023/01-2027/12,在研,主持

[2] 国家重点研发计划“科技冬奥”重点专项课题,2021YFF0307003,冬奥赛事全景式碳排放智能管控与交互技术及示范, 2021/08-2022/12,在研,主持

[3] 北京市自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目,JQ19035, 能源系统绿色转型路径优化方法及其应用研究,2019.11-2022.12, 在研,主持

[4] 霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金,171073,不确定性条件下能源转型政策分析方法及应用研究, 2020/01-2022/12,在研,主持

[5] 国家优秀青年科学基金项目,71822401,能源与气候政策综合集成分析方法及应用,2019/01-2021/12, 结题,主持

[6] 国家统计局重大统计专项,2021ZX11,基于时间利用数据的民生福祉改善研究,2021.08-2022.08, 结题,主持


Applied Energy 期刊副主编

Asian Transport Studies 期刊副编辑


International Association for Travel Behavior Research 成员

International Association for Time Use Research 成员



