
来源: 发布日期:2013-11-13

1.Longfei Wen, Baihai Zhang, Senchun Chai.A Connectivity-Keeping Hierarchical Topology for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. 2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC). 2012. (EI)

2.Lijing Dong, Senchun Chai, Baihai Zhang. Synchronization of Networked Multi-Agent System with Delayed Information From Neighbors. 2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC). 2012. (EI)

3. Zhongjing Ma.Decentralized Valley-Fill Charging Control of Large-Population Plug-In Electric Vehicles. Proceedings of the 2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference. 2012. (EI)

4. Xao Wenzhi,Fang Hao,Li Jixiang,Cui Jing. Obstacle Avoidance for Multi-Agent Systems Based on Stream Functionand Hierarchical Associations. The 31st Chinese Control Conference(CCC ) 2012. (EI)

5.付培华,陈振,丛炳龙.基于反步自适应滑模控制的永磁同步电机位置伺服系统.第五届电工技术前沿问题学术论坛论文集. (EI)

6.王波,王涛,范伟,王渝.考虑热传递的容腔压力控制系统的建模.31届中国控制会议. 2012.

7.张婷.基于模糊PID的四旋翼飞机姿态控制.31届中国控制会议(CCC 2012).

8.吴琼,张婷.一种改进的卡尔曼滤波算法在自稳平台中的应用.第三十一届中国控制会议论(CCC 2012).

9.张健,彭志红,李波.考虑时间代价及硬时间窗的UCAVs多任务分配.31届中国控制会议. 2012.

10.阿拉塔,白永强,李晓芳.基于一类不确定混沌系统的快速终端滑模控制方法.31届中国控制会议. 2012.

11. Qiong Hu, Qing Fei, Qinghe Wu, Qingbo Geng. Research andApplication ofNonlinearControlTechniques forQuadRotor UAV. CCC 2012.

12. Pingli Lu. Robust Filtering for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Via Quadratic Boundedness. The 31st Chinese Control Conference(CCC ) 2012.

13. Pingli Lu. H∞ Synchronization of a Class of Complex Networks. The 31st Chinese Control Conference(CCC ) 2012.

14. Bai Yongqiang, Wang Qiang, Chen Jie, Fang Hao. A Localized K-Connectivity Topology Control Algorithm in Multi-Agent Networks. The 31st Chinese Control Conference. 2012

15. Wang Yu. ANFIS Parallel Hybrid Modeling Method for Optical Encoder Calibration. In 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) . 2012

16. Han Junhui, Bai Yongqiang, Qi Xianghai. Data Processing Algorithm of MEMS Inclinometer Based on Improved Sage-Husa Adaptive Kalman Filter. The 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conferenc. 2012.

17.Wenzhi Xiao, Hao Fang, Jixiang Li, Jing Cui. Obstacle Avoidance for Multi-Agent Systems Based on Stream Function and Hierarchical Associations. The 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference. 2012.

18.Jian Sun, Jie Chen. A Note on Stability and Stabilization of Discrete-Time Systems with Time-Varying Delay. Proceedings of the 31st Chinese Control Conference. 2012.
