
Professor Chen Pengwan Participated in DYMAT-2012 International Conference

On September 2-7, 2012, a three-year DYMAT International Conference, 10th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, was held in Freiburg, Germany. More than 200 representatives from 26 countries including Germany, France, the United States, and China attended this meeting. The main topics of the conference are the physical and mechanical behavior of metals, ceramics, concrete, polymers, biomaterials, and composites at high strain rates. The conference received more than 200 manuscripts and organized 78 oral reports and 74 poster presentations. The conference was divided into five topics: experimental technology, microstructure impact, biomechanics, modeling and numerical simulation, and industrial applications.

Prof. Chen Pengwan from State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology attended the conference and gave an oral report entitled "Dynamic tensile deformation and fracture of a highly particle-filled composite using SHPB and high-speed DIC method". The latest research results on the dynamic tensile properties and dynamic fracture toughness measurement of brittle materials have attracted the attention of delegates and have received active discussion and exchanged ideas with the participants.
