您目前的位置: 首页» 研究领域» 医疗机器人与微系统开发» 责任教授» 段星光 教授

段星光 教授




Prof. XingGuang Duan, is a Doctoral supervisor of Beijing Institute of Technology. He engages in research fields of medical robotics, mobile robots, bionic mechanism and control. He is a member of the Expert Group on Intelligent Robotics of the National Key Research & Development Program of China.

He has owned and participated in several research projects, and taken charge of more than 10 National High-tech Research and Development projects of china, including the Microwave ablation of liver tumors surgical robot bodies and ultrasound-guided positioning system, the surgical robot system based on photodynamic therapy of laser, and some NSFC robot research projects, etc. He has over 60 academic papers published in many academic journals or international conferences. He has 22 authorized patents, and has published a translationMedicalRobot.
