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生物医学工程系教师简介 —— 陈端端 教授 / 博士生导师

来源: 编辑: 审核: 发布日期:2015-03-31

1、姓名:陈端端 学位:博士 职称:教授


2015.7 - 至今 bob手机在线登陆,生物医学工程系,教授,博导

2011.12 - 2015.7 bob手机在线登陆,生物医学工程系,副教授
2011.6 – 2011.12 bob手机在线登陆,讲师

2009.12 – 2011.4 英国牛津大学 工程科学系,博士后研究员

2005.10 – 2009.9 英国牛津大学 工程科学系,博士

2001.92005.7 上海复旦大学 力学与工程科学系,学士





European Society of Biomechanics (欧洲生物力学协会)会员
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (美国机械工程师协会)会员



International Journal of Computational & Neural Engineering编委成员



2015.1-2018.12 国家自然科学基金(81471752)(项目负责人)

2015.4-2017.12 科技部科技支撑计划(2015BAI04B03)(本单位负责人)
2013.1-2015.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31200704)(项目负责人)

2014.1-2014.12 国家自然科学基金委主任基金项目(81371647)(本单位负责人)

2012-2013 bob手机在线登陆基础科研基金项目

2012-2013 bob手机在线登陆优秀青年教师支持计划

2009-2011 欧洲第七框架EuHeart项目

2005-2009 牛津大学创新科研项目

SCI期刊论文 (*通信作者)(2009-2015)

(1) D Chen, D Norris, Y Ventikos. “Ciliary behaviour and mechano-transduction in the embryonic node: computational testing of hypotheses.” Med. Eng. Phys. 33: 857-67, 2011.

(2) D Chen, M Müller-Eschner, F Rengier, et al. “A preliminary study of fast virtual stent-graft deployment: application to stanford type B aortic dissection.” Int. J. Adv. Robotic Sys. 10: 1-8, 2013.

(3) X Tang, L Xia, W Liu, T Peng, D Chen, T Gao, Y Zeng. “Analysis of frequency domain of EEG signals in clinical location of epileptic focus.” Clin. EEG Neurosci. 44: 25-30, 2013.

(4) H Deng, Y Xu, D Chen, H Dai, J Wu, F Tian. “On numerical modeling of animal swimming and flight.” Computational Mech. 6: 1221-1242, 2013.

(5) D Chen, M Müller-Eschner, D Kotelis, et al. “A longitudinal study of Type-B aortic dissection and endovascular repair scenarios: Computational analyses.” Med. Eng. Phys. 35: 1321-30, 2013.

(6) D Chen, M Müller-Eschner, H von Tengg-Kobligk, et al. “A patient-specific study of type-B aortic dissection: evaluation of true-false lumen blood exchange.” Biomed. Eng. Online. 12:65, 2013.

(7) R Tucker, P Henningsson, S Franklin, D Chen, Y Ventikos, et al. “See-saw rocking: an in vitro model for mechanotransduction research. ” J. R. Soc. Interface, 11: 20140330, 2014.

(8) D Chen, D Norris, Y Ventikos. “Chemosignalling, mechanotransduction and ciliary behavior in the embryonic node: computational evaluation of competing theories.” Proc. IME H J. Eng. Med. 228(5): 465–47, 2014.

(9) S Demirel*, D Chen *, Y Mei, et al. ”Comparison of morphological and rheological conditions between conventional and eversion carotid endarterectomy using computational fluid dynamics - a pilot study.” Vascular. pii: 1708538114552836 (*共同第一作者)

(10) D Chen, Y Zhong, K Shinohara, et al. “The dynein-triggered ciliary motion in embryonic nodes: An exploratory study based on computational models.” Bio-Med. Mater. Eng. 24: 2495–2501, 2014.

(11) Y Peng, Y Wu, X Tang, W Liu, D Chen, T Gao , et al. “Numerical simulation and comparative analysis of flow field in axial blood pumps.” Comput Method Biomech Biomed Eng 17(7): 723–7, 2014.

(12) D Chen, J Ren, Y Mei, Y Xu. “The respiratory ciliary motion produced by dynein activity alone: a computational model of ciliary ultrastructure.” Tech. Health Care 23:S577-S586, 2015.

(13) Y Mei, M Müller-Eschner, J Yi, Z Zhang, D Chen, et al. “Hemodynamics analyses in treated and untreated carotid arteries of the same patient: a preliminary study based on three patient cases.” Bio-Med. Mater. Eng. 26:S299-S3096, 2015.

(14) D Chen, Y Zhong “A computational model of ciliary ultrastructure provides a model of dynein activation patterns that can explain nodal cilia rotation.” Biophys J 109:35-48, 2015.

(15) K Shinohara*, D Chen*, T Nishida*, K Misaki, S Yonemura and HHamada."Absence of radial spokes in mouse node cilia is required for rotational movement but confers ultrastructural instability as a trade-off." Dev Cell. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2015.10.001 (*共同第一作者)

