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生物系教师简介 —— 董 磊 教授 / 博士生导师

来源: 编辑: 审核: 发布日期:2019-12-31







2008.9-2012.7: 博士,美国阿肯色大学

2005.9-2008.7: 硕士,安徽医科大学,临床医学

2000.9-2005.7: 学士,安徽医科大学,临床医学




2012-2018:美国西储大学(CWRU)和美国埃默里大学( Emory)博士后和科研助理工作。




相关工作分别以第一作者发表于 Nature(2016)、 Blood(2017)、 Journal of Molecular Liquids(2016)等,和以通讯作者发表于 Frontiers in Immunology(2017), Experimental Hematology&Oncology(2016)等杂志上。同行专家在 Nature等杂志中发专题评论其“在骨髓的非血细胞中表达白血病相关的遗传突变足以在小鼠中引起白血病。而且,这一发现是治疗常发性致死性疾病的重大进展”。


其在J Oncol、 Tumor Biol等10个国际学术杂志及2个国际学术会议参与审稿了50余篇学术文章,并担任CMB杂志的客座编辑及 Annals of Mutagenesis杂志的编委。






1. Dong L#, Yu WM#, Zheng H#, Loh ML, Bunting ST, Pauly M, Huang G, Zhou M, Broxmeyer HE, Scadden DT, Qu CK. Leukaemogenic effects of Ptpn11 activating mutations in the stem cell microenvironment. Nature. 2016;539(7628):304-08.

2. Dong L#, You S#, Zhang Q, Osuka S, Devi NS, Kaluz S, Holmes JN, Yang H, Chen G, Wang B, Grossniklaus HE, Van Meir EG. Arylsulfonamide 64B inhibits hypoxia/HIF-induced expression of c-Met and CXCR4 and reduces primary tumor growth and metastasis of uveal melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research. 2019 Apr 1;25(7):2206-2218.

3. Wu X, Dong L, Lin X, Li J. Relevance of the NLRP3 Inflammasome in the Pathogenesis of Chronic Liver Disease. Front Immunol. 2017;8:1728.

4.Dong L, Zheng H, Qu CK. CCL3 is a key mediator for the leukemogenic effect of Ptpn11 activating mutations in the stem cell microenvironment. Blood. 2017;130(12):1471-74.

5.Xu K, Chen G, Li X, Wu X, Chang Z, Xu J, Zhu Y, Yin P, Liang X, Dong L*.MFN2 suppresses cancer progression through inhibition of mTORC2/Akt signaling. Sci Rep. 2017;7:41718.

6.Li XB#, Dong L#, Xu WR, Bhuyan SS, Chen CL, Wang RL. Study of SHP-2 (PTPN11) allosterism on structural movement using solution perturbed molecular dynamics simulation.Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2016;223:509-15.

7.Wang M#, Li X#, Dong L#, Chen X, Xu W, Wang R. Virtual screening, optimization, and identification of a novel specific PTP-MEG2 Inhibitor with potential therapy for T2DM. Oncotarget. 2016;7(32):50828-34.

8.Liu T, Li X, You S, Bhuyan SS, Dong L*. Effectiveness of AMD3100 in treatment of leukemia and solid tumors: from original discovery to use in current clinical practice. Exp Hematol Oncol. 2016;5:19.

9. Chen L, Sun L, Dong L, Cui P, Xia Z, Li C, Zhu Y. The role of long noncoding RNA-LET in cell proliferation and invasion of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and its mechanism. Onco Targets Ther. 2017;10:2769-78.

10. Gao L, Wu WF, Dong L, Ren GL, Li HD, Yang Q, Li XF, Xu T, Li Z, Wu BM, Ma TT, Huang C, Huang Y, Zhang L, Lv X, Li J, Meng XM. Protocatechuic Aldehyde Attenuates Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury by Suppressing Nox-Mediated Oxidative Stress and Renal Inflammation. Front Pharmacol. 2016;7:479.

11. Yang P, Qiu Z, Jiang Y, Dong L, Yang W, Gu C, Li G, Zhu Y. Silencing of cZNF292 circular RNA suppresses human glioma tube formation via the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. Oncotarget. 2016;7(39):63449-55.

12. Feng R, Dong L. Knockdown of microRNA-127 reverses adriamycin resistance via cell cycle arrest and apoptosis sensitization in adriamycin-resistant human glioma cells. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015;8(6):6107-16.

13. Feng R, Dong L. Inhibitory effect of miR-184 on the potential of proliferation and invasion in human glioma and breast cancer cells in vitro. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015;8(8):9376-82.


  1. 主持,北京市自然科学基金重点研究专题项目(300万)骨髓单细胞原位超分辨技术应用于白血病Shp2分子致病机理与快速临床诊断方法研究(Z190018),2020-2024
  2. 主持,国家人才引进计划(200万) 2018-2023
  3. 主持,国家自然科学基金面上项目(60万):单核细胞中Ptpn11(Shp2)磷酸酶激活突变对正常造血干细胞在白血病发生中异常活化的研究(81870123),2019/01-2022/12