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Zou Lihui and Cheng Lan responded to the PhD Degree Evaluati

| 来源: | 发布日期:2012-05-17
On December 31th, 2011, in the institute of Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System, Zou Lihui and Cheng Lan responded their PhD Degree Evaluation. The responding process contained two parts. The evaluation committee included CASIA researcher Tan Min, Professor Hou Zhongsheng from Beijing Jiaotong University, Professor Gong Zhihao and Professor Fang Hao from Beijing Institute of Technology, as well as secretary Deng Fang lecturer. The evaluation was under Researcher Tan Min's direct. Zou Lihui responded his PhD Thesis"Multi-dimensional sports scene image stitching technology and its application"; and Cheng Lan responded his PhD Thesis"Error modeling of multi-path and multipath mitigation algorithm and its application".
During the evaluation process, two of the students responded clearly and answered the questions correctly. Their researches won the experts' affirmation and high appreciation. After serious discussion and the secret ballot within the evaluation committee, both of the two students passed the evaluation successfully, and they were awarded the PhD degrees.
PhD Zou Lihui and PhD Cheng Lan were talents developed in our lab. Both of them reached many achievements in their research branches, and published many high-level academic papers. Plus, they have established firm basic theory and expertise knowledge, and are qualified to do researches independently. The PhD Evaluation is merely the beginning of their academic journeys, we wish those two students good luck in their future studies!
