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The Art and Design major covers three main subjects: Industrial Design, Visual Transmission, and Environment Artistic Design.

Industrial Design: the courses for the subject of Industrial Design are basically as same as the major of Industrial Design, but students should also master drawing as a technical foundation.

Visual Transmission: Vision and its application and information transference is studied in the Visual Transmission Design Major. Visual Transmission Design is design in areas related to printing media, animation and digital media. The way to express modern information is studied in the field of visual transmission design. This major pays particular attention to training students in creation, computer usage and expression.

Environment Artistic Design: graduates can be employed in the fields of interior design, landscape design, exhibition design, small architecture design and other related work.

The core courses include The Introduction of Design, The History of Fine Art, An Introduction to Design, The History of Fine Art, Patterns, Design Sketch, Photography, and Color.

Visual Transmission also includes Typeface Design, Layout Design, Package Design, Creativity &Representation in Advertising, Creativity &Representation in Graphics, Logo Design, Animation Design, Interface Design, Multimedia Design, Illustration Design, CI Design, Poster Design, and Exhibition Design.

The Environment Artistic Design major also includes Principles of Interior Design, Principles of Landscape Design, Garden Landscape Design, Environmental Lighting Design, Traditional Homes, and Public Environmental Facilities Design.
