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Your 5-step Guide
  • 1.Please log on the OnlineApplication System from International Students, create an account
  • 2.Fill in Online application form(Upload required documents)
  • 3.Wait for University response
  • 4.Pay the application fee
  • 5.Wait for the admission letter
How to apply Apply online

Social work at BIT adheres to the internationalization of education, makes a constant exploration in programs building, and draws lessons from advanced managerial experience and working models from around the world. With sociology and psychology as the main subjects, the program focuses on practice. The students are trained to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical operation skills through both simulative training and internship.

Graduates mainly engage in social services, social policy study, administrative management and counseling in urban and rural communities, social welfare institutes, various non-governmental organizations, government administrative agencies, schools, medical institutes, and businesses.

The core courses includes Sociology, Psychology, Social Work, Social Psychology, Human Behavior and Social Environment, Social Survey and Research Methods, Case Social Work, Social Work in the Community, Social Work Administration, Social Policy, Social Security and Social Welfare, Clinical Social Work Practice Basis, and Self- exploration and Professional Development.
