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Special Issue on
Advanced Multi-Dimensional Signal and Information Processing

Release Date: 2022-06-30 Visited:
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Recent years have witnessed rapidly growing industrial demands and research interests in multi-dimensional signal/information processing and their applications in a plethora of communities, such as object detection, navigation & positioning and remote sensing. While diversities of methods that incorporate model/data-driven learning have shown their superiority in multi-dimensional signal/image processing, bottlenecks for effectively enabling the synergistic processing and physical intelligibility remain. They mainly include: i) it is difficult to extract useful non-redundant information from the massive noisy data; ii) single processing fails to effectively reveal and characterize more intrinsic and non-stationary properties of multi-dimensional signal/information; iii) physical intelligibility of corresponding processing model is inadequate for model/data-driven learning.

The advanced transform domain, machine learning, and artificial intelligence techniques --- fractional-order Fourier transform, graph signal processing, high-dimensional tensor analysis, and deep convolutional neural network, to name a few--- have inspired research in learning solutions to classic signal/information analysis and processing problems, such as sampling, filtering, parameter estimation, coding/decoding, denoising and compressed sensing. Having gained momentum from these advances, advanced multi-dimensional signal/information processing aims at addressing the compelling challenges mentioned above in different multidisciplinary areas. This special issue invites original contributions and advanced research in innovative methodologies/architectures/applications for effective and efficient multi-dimensional signal/information processing, especially taking into consideration of practical projects in diversities of scenarios.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

1. Transformed-domain high-dimensional signal/information/image processing techniques.

2. Advanced deep learning models, algorithms, and methods.

3. Fractional-order transform theory and methods.

4. Analysis and processing of multi-dimensional signal/image using graph signal processing.

5. Image restoration, including denoising, inpainting, deblurring, super-resolution, fusion, etc.

6. Signal sampling, filtering, parameter estimation, coding/decoding, compressed sensing, etc.

7. Multi-source/modal multi-dimensional signal/image processing.

8. Multi-dimensional signal/information processing in different multidisciplinary areas.

9. Applications of multi-dimensional signal/information processing techniques in advanced imaging technology, object detection/recognition, navigation & positioning, remote sensing, and medical healthcare, etc.

Important Dates:

Manuscript Submission Due: October 31, 2022

Publication Date: April 30, 2023

Submission Guideline:

All submissions will be peer reviewed according to the Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology guidelines. The contributions should be original and have not been published or submitted elsewhere.

Manuscript should be submitted online viahttps://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jbit, and select the special issue “202302-Advanced Multi-dimensional Signal and Information Processing”. Prospective authors may consult the sitehttp://journal.bit.edu.cn/jbitfor guidelines and information on paper submission.

Guest Editors:

Dr. Na Liu (Beijing Institute of Technology, China,na.liu@bit.edu.cn)

Dr. Huan Ni (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China,nih@nuist.edu.cn)

Dr. Bo Ren (Xidian University, China,boren@xidian.edu.cn)

Dr. Junhui Hou (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR,jh.hou@cityu.edu.hk)

Prof. Weidong Sun (Tsinghua University, China,wdsun@tsinghua.edu.cn)

Prof. Pedram Ghamisi (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, The Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany,p.ghamisi@hzdr.de)

Prof. Jocelyn Chanussot (Grenoble INP, France,jocelyn.chanussot@grenoble-inp.fr)

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Release Date: 2022-06-30 Visited: