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Special Issue on
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Release Date: 2022-06-30 Visited:
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming agriculture by using modern machinery, computerized tools, and information and communication technologies to improve decision-making and productivity. The research scientists are continuously applying state-of-the-art expertise and discovering new ways to assimilate them into the agricultural systems to solve the key technology in agriculture. With its rapid technological advancement and vast area of application, the last 10 years have witnessed the growth of AI in agriculture, such as agricultural computer vision, agricultural speech recognition, agricultural robots, and agricultural expert system.

With the world’s population is growing at a very fast rate, people’s demand for land and food is also increasing greatly as never before. The understandable problem here is by what means to harvest an adequate quantity of food for the ever-growing population. The major issues are pest forecasting, industrial farming, yield prediction, automatic control, etc. The challenges remain for artificial intelligence technologies in agriculture and their respective applications. The special issue aims to collect and highlight outstanding contributions in terms of artificial intelligence technologies in agriculture as well as their recent applications to relevant scenarios.

We invite you to submit the most recent advancements in (but not limited to) the following topics:

● Agricultural knowledge-based systems

Agricultural robotics and automation equipment

AI in agricultural optimization management

AI in aquaculture

AI in food engineering and cold chain logistics

AI-based decision support systems

AI-based precision agriculture

Automatic navigation and self-driving technology in agriculture

Big Data and Cloud Computing in agriculture

Computational intelligence in agriculture, food and bio-systems

Crop Phenotyping and analysis

Distributed ledger technology (Blockchain) in agriculture

Expert systemsin agriculture

Intelligent interfaces and human-machine interaction

Intelligent systems for animal feeding

Machine learning and pattern recognition

Machine vision and image/signal processing

Neural networks, fuzzy systems, neuro-fuzzy systems

Precision agricultural aviation

Remote sensing in agriculture

Smart sensors and Internet of Things

Systems modeling and analysis


Submission deadline: Dec.30, 2022

Publishing date: Jun.30, 2023


All submissions will be peer reviewed according to the Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology guidelines. The contributions should be original and have not been published or submitted elsewhere. Submit your manuscript onhttps://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jbit, and select the special issue “202303-Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture”. Prospective authors should consult the sitehttp://journal.bit.edu.cn/jbitfor guidelines and information on paper submission.

All submissions must be formatted according to the format requirements provided onhttp://journal.bit.edu.cn/jbit.

Guest Editors

Dong An, China Agricultural University, China (andong@cau.edu.cn)

Yaoguang Wei, China Agricultural University, China (wyg@cau.edu.cn)

Chao Zhou,National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, China (zhouc@nercita.org.cnsupperchao@hotmail.com)

Zhangying Ye, Zhejiang University, China (yzyzju@zju.edu.cn)

Ming Chen, Shanghai Ocean University (mchen@shou.edu.cn)

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Release Date: 2022-06-30 Visited: